Fur Babies
Meet the Mutts

Max is a 12 year old mutt that we rescued from the humane society when he was 7 weeks old. We were told he was a Lab mix and after we got his genetic test results back, we were shocked to find that his grandparent was purebred dalmatian! Some other breeds in his heritage include Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, White German Shepherd, and Staffordshire Terrier. He’s a super smart boy that loves adult humans but tends to shy away from the smaller noisier ones.

Belle is a 9 year old pure bred Great Pyrenees. We fell madly in love with the breed because of her. She is a super sweet gentle giant who’s AMAZING with kids. Belle gave birth to her first litter of 8 beautiful babies in december of 2020!

Midnight is our 6 year old spazz. We rescued her from the humane society while on a business trip. She was 8 weeks old when we adopted her and we were told she was a Shepherd mix. We got her DNA tested too and were surprised to find out that she is part Chow too. She is the biggest sweetheart and knows NOTHING about personal space. She just wants to be where the people are.

This is our sweet 3 year old Beasty boy. He is a pure bred Great Pyrenees as well and he sired his first litter of 8 beautiful babies with Belle in december of 2020 and their second litter in February of 2022. He is the BEST puppy one could ever hope for! He gets along with all the farm animals, let’s the kids love on him, loves to play with other dogs, and will snuggle up for some loving whenever possible. He was completely potty trained in about 2 weeks. He listens to commands and is just all around a sweet boy.
*Photo coming soon!*
Iffy is one of Belle and Beasts puppies from their very first litter! She was born in December of 2020 and is an amazing girl. She is just the sweetest pup a family could ever ask for! A true Great Pyr! She takes her job watching over our chickens very seriously! We could ask for a better family and farm do
Meet the Farm

Aurora is our sweet 2 year American short-haired cat that we adopted from a local rescue. My kids constantly tell me that she was the PURR-FECT cat for our family. She certainly owns the house. She loves sitting on top of her kitty condo and taking long naps on the couch. She’s happy to curl up next to you and just hang out. She is the sweetest kitty ever!

Wilbur is our 5 year old Potbelly pig. For the first year of his life he lived inside with us. However, as he started getting larger and with us moving into a new home with stairs to the backyard, we decided it was time to create a permanent pen for him. He now lives fully outdoors and loves spending his day rooting around in the grass, laying in his pool, and sleeping in the shade. We plan on getting a female Pot Belly here shortly!

And lastly, our chickens! We have 8 Shapphire Gem Hens. They are gorgeous birds! We get lots of eggs from them!