Where Will Our Guests Sleep!?
We finally took on the task of renovating the basement! And with company coming in one week we needed a guest room in a hurry. Thank you 2 day delivery!! We ordered a queen sized bed off wayfair and set it up!

Next, we got the mattress in from Walmart.

Then we were gifted this cute dresser and a sewing cabinet from some AMAZING friends! I decided she needed a coat of black chalk paint and some new drawer pulls.

We placed the dresser cady corner and used the sewing cabinet as a nightstand.

Then added some decorative touches. I placed some extra towels in a basket on top of the dresser. I purchased a “be our guest” pillow cover. And placed a basket of toiletries on the bed so our guests have everything they need. We also hung the mirror I redid.

I also added a sweet usb lamp for easy device charging and we hung a hand-me-down tv on the wall. This was all we could get done in the week before our guests arrival! I do have a few more plans for this room including some custom homemade signage coming soon! Stay tuned!!