Painting Our Brick House Part 2
We’ve continued painting the exterior of our home and it has definitely been an adventure. It’s been just over 2 months since we painted the front and everytime we had plans to continue something would come up or we’d get a weekend of nonstop rain. So this weekend, armed with a forecast of low humidity, low temperatures, and clear skys we tackled the next large wall! This is the next largest exterior wall, it is a full 2 story wall with the door to the basement. It took a day for my husband to paint the wall top to bottom with our Wagner Flexio paint sprayer. I totally dropped the ball on the before photos so here is the wall when we put our fence up a few months back!

So he began spraying the day away!

And here she is! The end result in all her painted white brick glory.

I am so happy with the end result! We have lots of amazing plans for the spaces behind these walls so stay tuned!