We built a pig house!
Our little baby pot belly pig is no longer little nor is he a baby. We knew with a growing pig, who isn’t leash trained, one of the first things we’d need to get when we moved into this house is a pen for his safety. The day we closed on the house we immediately went to tractor supply and bought a 10′ x 10′ dog kennel. We would bring him out in the morning and bring him back in the house at night. This worked for a while but he was getting bigger and heavier and less cooperative with being carried. This is when we decided it was time to graduate him to full-time outdoor living. So we bought him this ADORABLE house that had it’s own deck to go in his temporary pen!

So cute right?! So we put it in his pen and within a few days this was how it looked!

Apparently it was not pig suitable. He had just about destroyed it. The deck was beyond repair but the house was salvageable. We repaired what we could and replaced and reinforced what we couldn’t! We used 2x4s on the bottom and plywood instead of the thin boards that came with it. And it worked. For about 6 months. Finally, he had ruined the bottom parts that werent plywood and just outgrown it overall, so we decided it was time to build him a new house. A real wood, sturdy house that’ll last a while, using left over fencing materials! We did not buy 1 scrap of wood. All we needed was the plastic for the roofing. The framing was built using the 2×4 rails that were left over. The plywood floor was sitting in the garage collecting dust. And the wood siding is treated wood pickets that we cut to size! We spent $16 on the PVC roof panel cut it in half and called it a day. This structure is 3.5′ x 4′ so it’s a decent size for him with some room to grow(although we dont expect him to grow much more). We are so happy with how it turned out and I think he is too!

Cost breakdown:
- 2×4 Rails for framing $Free
- Plywood $Free
- Pickets for siding $Free
- PVC roofing panel $16
Total Cost: $16